To Be or Not To Be Was Never A Choice, God Gave Me His Voice.

Be Ready, Be Prepared. Change Will Happen & Your Participation Is Your Choice But We Are Moving Forward At One Speed, Light Speed. To Be The Light & My Light Shines Constant & Bright. I Love As I Live & I AM The Church…Be The Church 🙂 All Are Welcome With 3 Simple Conditions:

  • Love Is Love And Always Remembers Home, If You Receive Love But Keep Instead Of Sharing, Love Will Be Lost When Searching For Home & Sadness Will Prevail. Give Love To Receive Love.
  • In Moments Of Need Start With Your Role As A Human Before Leaving God As Your Servant & Serve God By Serving Others. You May Be One’s Jesus & And It’s An Addiction Even Death Does Not End. Be Like Jesus, Go Beyond Where Jesus Died & Let One Remember You Tried. Be The One Who Tried, Be The Someone That Was Needed By Another.
  • Be The Story Is The Story Of The Crazy One & His Movie Was Released To Only Audience of One. The One Who Will Be What He Needs Because Through He Life Was Given To Be & Through & Because Of Be Love, Hope & Faith Will Rise To Live Again For The Greater Good Of You & Me, Lovingly 🙂

What Does It Mean To Be A Jew? | Ask Bruce The Truth 🙂


To Be A Jew

In the heart of ancient lands, a faith so bright,
Judaism’s core beliefs, a guiding light.
One God, eternal, just, and kind,
In every heart and soul, we find.

The Torah’s wisdom, sacred and true,
A covenant old, yet ever new.
With mitzvot, commandments to uphold,
A life of meaning, values bold.

Shabbat’s peace, a weekly rest,
A time for family, love expressed.
From sundown’s glow to stars’ ascent,
A holy day, divinely sent.

Tikkun Olam, to heal the world,
With acts of kindness, love unfurled.
Justice, mercy, in every deed,
A better world, the ultimate creed.

Through trials faced, and joys embraced,
A resilient spirit, never erased.
In unity, the people stand,
A timeless bond, hand in hand.

Duties of a Jew, sacred and clear, To live with purpose, year by year. Charity given, with open heart, Aiding the needy, doing our part.

Kosher laws, we faithfully keep, In every meal, traditions deep. Daily prayers, with tefillin bound, In words of faith, our souls are found.

Education, a lifelong quest, Learning Torah, striving for the best. Integrity in business, honest and fair, In every action, showing we care.

Treatment of the poor, with dignity and grace, Seeing God’s image in every face. Tzedakah, charity, a duty we embrace, To uplift the needy, in every place.

Compassion and justice, hand in hand, Supporting the poor, as God commands. Sharing resources, simplifying our ways, To ensure all thrive, in our days.

**Brought to you by Blue Jew Bruce Edgar Jr Slaton,

Whose core belief is if you believe in Jesus who was a Jew, you are a Jew too,

Be Like Bruce, in all you do,
With love and faith, forever true.


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